It has been said that culture eats strategy for breakfast. Even though this is meant to say that company culture is far more important than strategy, it is important for companies in the oil and gas industry to have both. Today, a lot of companies in the oil and gas industry focus entirely on strategy and do not think about company culture. According to experts in the industry, such as Optimum Energy Partners and Derrick May, company culture is incredibly important to the success of a business. What does this mean, and why is it the case?
Defining Company Culture
First, it is important to define what is meant by company culture. According to Optimum Energy Partners and Derrick May, this includes the set of values, beliefs, and other common themes that underpin the daily operations of the company. Developing the right corporate culture requires not only authenticity but also understanding. People come from different backgrounds, but everyone at the company has to work toward a common goal. If people do not take the time to understand one another, team members will have a difficult time working together. It will be hard to identify strengths and weaknesses, which is critical for putting the business in the best position possible to be successful.
What Does a Good Company Culture Look Like?
There are a lot of people who wonder what a good company culture looks like. According to Optimum Energy Partners and Derrick May, good company culture must enable the employees at a company to successfully carry out the strategies that are required to achieve the goals of the business. A positive company culture should focus on putting everyone on the team in the best position possible to play to their strengths and cover for each other’s weaknesses. A lot of people believe that strong company culture is a one-size-fits-all approach. It is simply not the case. In reality, a strong company culture for one business might not work well for another business.
Strong Company Culture Requires More Than Just Leadership
There are many people who believe that company culture requires nothing but strong leadership. Even though it is true that company culture flows from the top, it is important to get everyone on board with the company culture. According to Optimum Energy Partners and Derrick May, it might be prudent to have company employees participate in the interview process. That way, they have a say in who is hired, and they can find people that will work well with the other people on the team.
Looking to the Future of the Oil and Gas Industry
In the end, the oil and gas industry is evolving and changing quickly. Even though companies do need to change to keep up, some values, such as loyalty and honesty, are critical for maintaining success in this industry. According to Optimum Energy Partners and Derrick May, companies that take the time to develop a strong company culture will put themselves in the best position possible to be successful and will remain one step ahead of the competition. It will be interesting to see what happens next.